I started out by making a whole bunch of 12" circle ladybugs out of scrapbooking paper. I used some plain pink in a couple different shades...and then some with patterned paper which I liked best.
The heads are 5" and the spots are 2"
Pipe cleaner antenna finished them off.
I think I made 10 of these.

Lots of black and pink streamers...hung all over the place!

This is our entry way....
There were streamers, and lots of randomly placed ladybugs.
I also made "half-ladybugs"...They were put on the headers above the stairs to look as though they too were going down.

Same thing, as above...just cut the pink 12" circles in half, and didn't add a head.
They were so cute!
Lots of comments from the mommies at the party!

Finally, there were more "half-ladybugs" that were crawling up the stairs, and around the dining room, where the kids had food and cake.
Again, done the same as the big ladybugs, just cut in half...head cut in half, and antenna added!

They just added so much to the party.
There were even a few in Little's bedroom, because I knew eventually the kiddos would meander up to see what was in her room!
TableThe table looked amazing.
I never got a good picture of the table before the kids were at it...because I couldn't decorate it too long before people began arriving...obviously...
The placemats, cups, small plates and napkins came from birthday express...
I made the centerpiece, as seen in
THIS post...
I bought the buckets in the dollar section of Target...and that is also where I ended up getting the large square plates, and the cutlery.

The placemats were really cute, and well made, and the back has all kind of activities for the kids to do while they are waiting, or after they are done.

I made these little ladybugs and hung them from the chandelier...
They are actual mini versions of what were placed all over the walls...but then I realized they were going to spin, and that the other side would look plain and ugly...so I put the cute little ladybug printed from the tags on the goodie boxes, on the other side so both sides had some interest.

They turned out darling!
One of my favorite parts....especially once I put the ladybug cupcakes underneath it!
The goodie bags again...
Party Crafts...The first craft that we did, was to decorate picture frames.
I found them at the dollar store, marked 2/$1.00. They are real wood, and have REAL glass in them! I was so impressed.
I came home and spray painted them all pink.
If the girls were older, I would have let them paint them...but at this age, stickers are better....
I had all kinds of foam sticker pieces that they could choose from, as well as sticker letters, and flowers.
The plan is to give the frames to them, with their thank you cards, and one of the pictures I took in it.

Our second craft was to make pony bead necklaces.
I used yarn, and PREput on child friendly big plastic needles (found in the child craft section of Joanns) I taped them in place with a tiny piece of masking tape so that the kids didn't accidentally remove the needle.
I also tied a white bead to the end of each of them, so that the beads didn't just come straight off the other side.
We had two different pinks, black, and white beads...as well as hearts and letters.
The kids loved being able to make and wear their creations, and to take them home!
{Sorry, I couldn't get my picture to flip}

We had a playdoh station, which ended up being SUPER popular.
Had I known, I would have just made it a big huge playdoh party. It needed to be a much bigger table.
Happy Birthday BannerThis was my very favorite part of the decorations...
So much so...I can't seem to take it down.
Around one of the doorways in the playroom (where the party was held) I made a Happy Birthday banner.
I printed out wallet size black and white pictures of Little...from birth to now. On each picture I put one letter in pink...spelling out Happy 4th birthday Little.

I backed them all pink and black, with a little sage green mixed in as well.

My plan was to string them...but I just plain ran out of time...so I improvised.

Here are a couple of close-ups.

Will post the actual party tomorrow!